Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exercises for Sciatica – What Causes Back Pain?

Author: Ricky Lim

A lot of people don’t understand what sciatica means. You can’t really call it an ailment or disease, not even a diagnosis could tell you the cause of the pain. It’s more like a set of symptoms.

In most cases, the name sciatica is used when you have nuisances in the nerves area of the lower spinal chord or in cases of irregular compression. There are a number of conditions that can cause this.

Homeopathic Sciatica Formula
href="http://www.reliefbackpain.net/exercises-for-sciatica.html">Exercises for Sciatica

While most patients would rather rest in bed, sciatica exercises are the best solution to start the healing process for sciatica pain. After the patient has a sciatica access, doctors will usually recommend a small period of rest (one or two days), but not more, since being inactive will make the pain worse.

That’s because the spinal structure deteriorates further if there is a lack of movement. The result is a weaker support for the back and that can bring a back injury or a spine/muscle strain.

When you exercise the discs, the fluids between them are well lubricated and healthy, and they also help strengthen the abdomen muscles and the back.

There are a lot of types of exercises for sciatica that can bring relief to patients, and they’re different, based on what causes the pain. Most of them will target certain muscles with the help of stretching exercises.

The fact that they are regularly involved in exercises makes the muscles more powerful and mobile, which insures that the recuperation process speeds up. A good side effect is that these type of incidents are prevented in the future with the help of exercises.

You can consult a number of specialists to help you deal with sciatica pain, including physiatrists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, physiotherapists or others that deal with lower body and back problems.

You should always exercise under the supervision of a professional, to make sure you’re doing it right. The exercises depend on the cause of the pain, so a good diagnosis is a must.

In rare cases, sciatica can be provoked by tumours or infections.

1. Sciatica provoked by a herniated disc
2. Spinal stenosis sciatica
3. Sciatica caused by a degenerative disc disease
4. Sciatica from isthmic spondylolisthesis
5. Piriformis syndrome can also cause sciatic pain
6. Sciatic pain caused by a sacroiliac joint dysfunction
7. Hamstring stretching exercises for sciatica

Each condition comes with a different type of exercise for it, which must be done the right way and regularly, usually two times each day.

About the Author:

Discover the best exercises for sciatica at my site. Learn which are the best lower back pain exercises that you can try at home.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/diseases-and-conditions-articles/exercises-for-sciatica-what-causes-back-pain-764201.html

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stretching For Back Pain

The main difference between Pilates and individual stretches is that the whole body is taken into consideration when doing Pilates and not just individual body parts. The Pilates instructor usually first meets with his or her client so that the both of them can assess what is going on either in terms of postural instability and/or muscle imbalance. Stretching simply concentrates on the different parts of the body or muscle groups and stretches them out for a certain number of repetitions.
By both strengthening and strengthening the muscles of you stomach, back, thighs and core you can help to reduce or alleviate problems that you may be having with back pain.

Below are some helpful exercises that are specifically directed toward strengthening your aching back. Remember that it is very important that you discuss any exercise program with your doctor before beginning a stretching program. Soon your aching back will feel better again.

Wall Slides

• Stand up straight and tall with your back against a hard surface such as a wall and your feet a shoulder’s width apart
• Slowly bend at the knees and slide your back down the wall. Keep sliding for a count of 5 or until your knees are bent at an angle of 45 degrees.
• Stay in this position for 5 seconds
• Begin to straighten your knees for a count of 5 and slide up the wall until your knees are in a straight position
• Repeat the above steps for 5 repetitions
• Do this stretching exercise three times a day

Prone Leg Raises

• Begin by lying flat on your stomach
• First lift one leg off the floor and raise it 2 feet in the air
• Hold this position for 10 seconds
• Relax
• Then repeat this process with the opposite leg
• Repeat these steps for five more repetitions
• Do this exercise three times a day

Supine Leg Raises

• Begin by lying flat on your back
• Lift one leg off the floor and raise it 2 feet in the air
• Hold this position for 10 seconds
• Relax
• Then repeat this process with the opposite leg
• Repeat these steps for five more repetitions
• Do this exercise three times a day

Semi Sit Ups

• Assume the normal sit-up position, that is, lying flat on your back and have your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
• Only raise your head and shoulders off the floor
• Hold this position for 10 seconds
• Relax and return your head and shoulders to floor
• Repeat these steps for five more repetitions
• Do this exercise three times a day

Standing Back Stretch

• Stand in an upright position with your feet a shoulder’s length apart
• Put your hands in that hollow spot in your back called the small of your back
• Bend back slowly as far as you can tolerate it while keeping your knees straight
• Keep holding this position for 5 seconds
• Relax
• Repeat these steps five more times
• Do this stretching exercise three times a day
Homeopathic Back Pain Relief (Chiropractic Strength)

There are a range of DVD's on sale at www.pilatesorstretchforbackpain.com which have been recommended by a leading British Osteopath/Physiotherapist.
Please visit my blog at www.stretchorpilatesforbackpain.com

Monday, February 2, 2009

How to Accomplish Fitness Goals for the Whole Year

How to Accomplish Fitness Goals for the Whole Year

Author: Benedict Yossarian

It’s not true that people have an innate dislike for accomplishing fitness goals. The problem perhaps is the goals themselves. According to Gregory D. McCollum, co-owner of the Training Loft, a private personal training studio in Chicago:

"Start slowly, but do it with zeal. Ninety percent of all fitness programs work if you simply apply yourself. You will see a positive change in yourself by improving your cardiovascular health, increasing your flexibility and building up your strength."

Starting out right

The first thing to do is to acquire a fitness evaluation. This can be gotten from your local gym or from your doctor. After getting the results, get a good trainer to tailor a fitness program that would match your needs.

If your cardiovascular health needs improving, you can readily engage in power walking. Power walking with constant and rhythmic pumping of the arms and legs can raise the heart rate and burn calories. Get a pedometer so you can see your “progress” immediately.

Other exercises

If you want to tone your thighs and your buttocks, consider doing lunges. Lunges can easily be carried out in hallways or in any long strip of space where you can go backward and forward easily. At work, consider using the stairs when going to upper floors. It might take longer, but it will be good exercise. Eventually, going up three floors would be as easy as one, two, and three.

If you have a pre-existing membership to a fitness club or a locally gym, take advantage of exercise equipment there. Forget “bulking up” during the first few weeks. Lose as much fat as you can first by engaging in aerobic exercises like treadmills and stationary bikes. If you can engage in exercise for 30 to 40 minutes in this equipment, you’re well on your way to improving your cardiovascular fitness.

Real health threats

According to Stephanie Kong, author of A Minute for Your Health: The ABC’s for Improved Health and Longevity:

"Two out of three people will die from cardiovascular disease or cancer. Eating too much fat contributes to both. Most Americans, even slim ones, eat too much fat. Why take the risk? It's time you discovered how delicious low-fat eating can be."

More fish, please!

One easy way to balance the good and bad cholesterol in one’s diet is by eating more fish. Once you fill up on good sources of protein like fish, high-fat red meats won’t be as satisfying. There are plenty of recipes floating around the Internet to make fish more interesting. Frying, filleting and roasting are only three of many ways to cook fish.

McCollum advises regarding brisk walking, the urge of bingeing and cooking at home:
"Take a brisk walk when you feel a binge is coming on. You'll find it refreshing, and you'll lose weight. Cook more at home. That way you can control the quality of your food and you can control portion sizes. You are the only person who can prevent you from meeting your goals.”
You’ve heard the experts; now it’s time to turn those fitness goals into reality.

About the Author:

The author of this article is Benedict Yossarian. Benedict recommends Supplement Centre Bodybuilding Supplements to supplement a balanced diet or Dream Swing to practice your golf swing and get a gentle workout.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/sports-and-fitness-articles/how-to-accomplish-fitness-goals-for-the-whole-year-751380.html